BLIMP News Vol.96 2022.7.6

This is Mizutani from BLIMP.
The rainy season was too short, and summer came before my body got used to the heat. It got hot and Kabu-chan started taking early morning walks, but this year he refused to walk in the morning. After going to the bathroom, he tries to go home as fast as he can, so when I try to sleep at night, he seems to be light and happy as usual. I thought it would be hard to wake up at 5:30 in the morning because I'm 7 years old and I'm a senior (laughs). be doing. Kabu-chan wearing a collar that glows green in the dark is so cute.
New Release
Tank tops and BLIMP original tin storage cans made by Kato Seisakusho have been released. Buhilesler is printed as a link. I've been wanting to make a storage can for a long time and finally made it. I am very happy with the nice finish.
We also have a great set of tank top and can, so please check it out early.